Today yeilded the completion of my self portrait video project. I have had to endure long hours making the countless props/set effects and making sure everything had a sci-fi b-movie look. Dr. Diabolicus (Jason) managed to pull off the mad-scientist look which was essential to the film. With the help of a puss-filled prosthetic boil, which was applied using latex and women's makeup (Which was kindly borrowed from Kate), the image was complete. Further to the sick boil, I decided to add a dab of BBQ sauce for a pussy dripping look, and it ended up being a rather successful appliance. The only drawback was the fact the liquid latex I used had partially dried out and the appliance was rubber -- not latex -- meaning the blending edges could be partially seen.

With the lead actor in costume, in makeup and ready to be filmed, the lighting was sorted and aimed and filming commenced. Two long hours of it. The lack of cigarette breaks only added to the tension on set, as a disgruntled Dr. Diabolicus mumbled about his lack of nicotine during takes. More crew members would have been helpful, since this would have prevented the boom mic from making an appearance in the film, causing a retake. Eventually, the final shot was in the can, sighs of relief echoed from every corner on set and we began the grand task of cleaning up.
A well deserved Burger King meal at the end of the day had to have been the best fast food I've tasted in a while.
"Formula-X, so many wet dreams, so many wet dreams!"