The ramblings of Dr. Diabolicus
Today yeilded the completion of my self portrait video project. I have had to endure long hours making the countless props/set effects and making sure everything had a sci-fi b-movie look. Dr. Diabolicus (Jason) managed to pull off the mad-scientist look which was essential to the film. With the help of a puss-filled prosthetic boil, which was applied using latex and women's makeup (Which was kindly borrowed from Kate), the image was complete. Further to the sick boil, I decided to add a dab of BBQ sauce for a pussy dripping look, and it ended up being a rather successful appliance. The only drawback was the fact the liquid latex I used had partially dried out and the appliance was rubber -- not latex -- meaning the blending edges could be partially seen.

A well deserved Burger King meal at the end of the day had to have been the best fast food I've tasted in a while.
"Formula-X, so many wet dreams, so many wet dreams!"
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