Chainsaws and Boomsticks: The blog of a disgruntled geek.

If we stocked women, this would be a nerd's paradise!

Friday, July 23, 2004

Plenty of design updates!

I've been refining and maturing the design for my blog for the past few days. I personally think its coming along nicely and I hope I can start to post properly. The only problem is nobody bloody reads it! Ah well, go fourth and spread the word, as they say.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

I've finally decided on a design!

It may be a default design, but I like it. More changes to come in the next few days as I fill this Blog with content. Be sure I will be adding links, images etc.

Google Toolbar Installed

This is a quick Blog directly from my Google toolbar. More updates to come!

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

My first blog, damn it's spiffy

Well, after using Livejournal for a while and finding it both congested and charismatically over-complicated, I've found my way to a blog! Stay tuned, for I will be posting more crap as the time goes by (Hopefully from a brand-spanking new Apple eMac computer!)