Chainsaws and Boomsticks: The blog of a disgruntled geek.

If we stocked women, this would be a nerd's paradise!

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Battlenet Allnighter: The Destruction Of Sleep - #1

As I type this from a decorated workstation at the Battlenet LAN centre in the heart of Norwich, I am sipping on lightly chilled cola and conversing with my best friend, Jay. He probably doesn't think the same way, but I guess thats life! Heavily salted snack foods have commenced being eaten and I feel rather sick after consuming two cans of Kick high-energy drink. Ugh. More news later at around 3am!


At 12:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this be king poubar a.k.a Jay, allnighters been cool so far although im not sick of DC ROFL

At 12:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude your cola isnt chiled its luke warm like my fanta!!!!


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