Chainsaws and Boomsticks: The blog of a disgruntled geek.

If we stocked women, this would be a nerd's paradise!

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Scariest Places on Earth

Firstly I'd like to say, if anyone has any information regarding Scariest Places on Earth, or wishes to recieve information, then could you please mail me!

I guess, Scariest Places on Earth has its humble beginnings firmly rooted in gameshow-TV. Family is crazy enough to phone up SPE to book place, family get flight there, family spend night in creepy castle with videocameras and other zaney equipment, family get the shit scared out of them and the family go home feeling more all-round wholesome and envigorated. Hell, if that isn't an amazing concept then I don't know what is! So what happened to it?

In around October of 2000, the show was created for MTV's 'Fear' during Halloween. It then continued as a regular show on ABC Family until October 2002. Not much is known whether it was cancelled or whether they just ran out of families gullible enough to appear on the show. It then re-appeared sometime around 2003, airing on UKHorizons (English documentary channel for Digital/Satellite subscribers). Early 2004 there was an entire weekend dedicated to the best episodes, which I actually watched. The eerie thing is, the penultimate episode was a trip to Hunadora castle in Transylvania (The home of Vlad the Impaler). That epsiode was a two-parter, so I eagerly tuned in and... Nothing. Some show about plastic surgery? Where's my pant-filling SPE!? It's nowhere to be found. I have never seen it since.

Now heres my theory:

The show went well. MTV's Fear came and went and they decided to carry the show on for a while to satisfy the fanbase. The show was revitalised and a few more episodes were filmed. The last two were the visit to Hunadora castle in Dracula-ville. See where I'm going with this? Something bad happened during the filming of the second half (Which would explain there being no second episode), the family was attacked by Mr. Staypuff Marshmellow Man (Of Ghostbusters fame). The whole of the castle was covered in melted marshmellow when Ray and Egon showed up and they cancelled filming.

Budda bing-budda bang. Either that or it was something to do with The Mafia. 'Nobody's gonna touch these ghosts, see!' If this is the case, the Transylvanian police may have uncovered a stash of illegally imported fireworks.


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