Chainsaws and Boomsticks: The blog of a disgruntled geek.

If we stocked women, this would be a nerd's paradise!

Monday, September 27, 2004

Land of the Dead: MASSIVE UPDATE!

Holy mother of god, the ball is rolling, Romero has fifteen gallons of blood on standby, and we're going in!

Okay, first off let me start by quoting a date. 11'th of October. Write this in your calendars, write this on the walls of your offices, in your college note pads and even stick a post it note to your face. Now, couple 11'th October with Toronto, Canada. So, on the eleventh day in October, in Toronto, something BIG is happening. And when I say big, I mean Shitzilla sized. Romero is starting filming!

Right now the lead-cast lineup looks like Simon Baker, John Leguizamo and Asia Argento. Romero may have to add more well-known names into the melting pot, because of his contractual agreement.

The other cool thing is that Universal are providing the distribution for the movie. Well I guess thats a bonus in itself, and I guess Universal learnt something from the success of the recent Dawn remake.

Dawn of the Dead 2004 DVD release

With the DVD release of Dawn of the Dead 04 looming, the official website in collaboration with Universal Pictures and STRIKE, is displaying clips from the DVD release every Friday. That is, there's a new clip every Friday, and if you've missed a clip, you've missed it. Head on over there now and watch!

There are two current versions of the DVD: The Rated version, and the Unrated version. Both have their own set of features and zocumentary (Zombie-Documentary. I'm coining that phrase. Someone get the Copyright office on the phone, I have a proposal) clips. But basically the unrated version contains more stuff, because it can be that sick!

Rated DVD
  1. The Lost Tape - Fifteen minutes of extra footage which documents Andy's last days at the gunstore.
  2. Special Bulletin: Zombie Invasion! - News coverage and updates from the White House and scientific experts.
  3. 12 Minutes of Deleted Scenes - The shit too sick for the cinema audience!
  4. Surviving the Dawn: Dare to Face Your Fears - Behind the scenes zocumentary.
  5. Commentaries.
Unrated DVD
  1. Slitting Headaches: Anatomy of Exploding Heads - How the production crew at STRIKE managed the ultra-gory head hits!
  2. Attack of the Living Dead - An up close look at the most memorable zombie kills.
  3. Raising the Dead - Turning actors into undead killers.
  4. The Lost Tape - Fifteen minutes of extra footage which documents Andy's last days at the gunstore.
  5. Special Bulletin: Zombie Invasion! - News coverage and updates from the White House and scientific experts.
  6. 12 Minutes of Deleted Scenes - The shit too sick for the cinema audience!
  7. Surviving the Dawn: Dare to Face Your Fears - Behind the scenes zocumentary.
  8. Commentaries.
I know which version I'm buying... *Cough* Unrated *Cough*

Head on over to your DVD store on the 24'th October 2004 and pick up your copy! Release dates can be viewed for further reference here.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Release Guide 2004/2005

This is a compiled release guide (Suitable for a blog that discusses horror/independant/cool films!) of motion pictures being released 2004/2005. More will be added as time goes on! The movies are listed alphabetically in descending order, and the release dates shown are approximate UK (Thats United Kingdom) dates.

- Last updated 26'th September 2004.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Alien Vs. Predator (22'nd October 2004)



Cabin Fever II (????)
Che (????)


Dawn of the Dead 2004 [DVD] (24'th October 2004)
Day of the Dead (????)
Die hard 4.0 (2006?)
Doom (2005?)
Driver (2006?)


Evil Dead IV (????)







King Kong (14'th December 2005)


Land Of The Dead (21'st October 2005)
Layer Cake (1'st October 2004)


Motorcycle Diaries (27'th August 2004)






Resident Evil: Apocalypse (8'th October 2004)


Shaun of the Dead II (????)


The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe (23'rd December 2005)
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (6'th May 2005)
The Ring II (24'th March 2005)


Ultraviolet (2005?)






All links will be edited and updated as time allows. If sources are incorrect then please e-mail me and I will do my very best to fix the error.


I'd like to welcome a new link onto the site, hello little buddy *Strokes*. He'll be helping me syndicate RSS feeds for those of you who wish to keep track of the C&B blog with your browsers! Isn't he a clever chappy? YES! YES HE IS!

I'd also like to proudly exclaim that I've submitted this humble blog to the databases! If the link is accepted, I'll be getting a LOT more traffic through the gates. Whether thats a bad thing or a good thing, I suppose, is really up to fate to decide.

Friday, September 24, 2004


I simply am feeling very ill right now, because my glandular fever has come back to spite me. I'm bored out of my skull and thought I would start getting the place all Halloween'y. On October 1'st I'll be updating with some essential horror movies to watch over the weeks leading to All Hallows Eve. Nearer the 31'st there will be a Halloween special of the 100 sickest horror movies available! Autumn is coming.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

The Bullshit Mobile is on its rounds again!

Beware Of Barton Mansion have done it again! This time their fake investigations are including a supposedly haunted woods and a mansion called 'The house of 1000 steps' (No direct copy of House of a 1000 corpses then?). A special two night investigation is underway from the folks on the site and pictures will be posted up soon. This time guys, try and manage to at least dress your scary ghostly figure in something more than a sheet and Hobbit ears, your poor freind wearing that shit must have been so cold.

Beware Of Shit Websites.

Movie Review: Resident Evil

Since the coming of the second film is nigh, I have decided to publish an old review of Resident Evil that I wrote for an English assignment last year. It really isn't much of a review, more of an insight into the creation of the motion picture, and its correlation to the directors and developers.

Grab some coffee, nibbles and take a read...

It all started in 1996. A newly released game named ‘Resident Evil’ begun turning heads across the globe. The basic premise of the story was that a flesh-eating virus had escaped its laboratory confines and had begun infecting the workers, turning them into mindless zombies. For some odd reason, the storyline and plot twists (Speaking for myself) were absolutely compelling. Even today, I am still extremely fond of the ideas, which can be achieved with such a minimal idea. When Zombies make it to the big screen, I always hope that the genre will be done some justice. How very wrong could I be?
January 1998: Avid Resident Evil fans were racing to local game stores to buy the second instalment in what was a pioneering series in the Survival Horror genre. Reports were coming in that an armed heist at a game store had halted all traffic in the area and thousands of Japanese nerds had their acne spontaneously explode upon securing their purchase within a blue baggie. After completing the game several times, I poked around the double-jewel CD case and stumbled upon some text that told of a competition; the prize being a walk-on part in the... *gasp* Resident Evil movie! I completed Resident Evil 2 a few more times and I gave it the grand job of sitting still on my shelf for long periods of time to collect 4 inches of dust. Unbeknownst to me, in July, there was already someone on the cards to both write and direct the movie.
No word from Capcom. No word from the media. In around October of that year a draft that none other than George A. Romero wrote, surfaced and appeared to have been given a green light. Wow! In October '98, I didn't even know who George Romero was, let alone the fact he was writing the script for the Resident Evil movie. For what it was, it was Resident Evil. Basically, the script was Resident Evil, minus a few details. Having read the script myself, I was unable to put it down. The direction was good, the atmosphere was good, but the one thing that could have been touched up was the dialogue.
A month later, it turns out Romero's script was reviewed and fed neatly through the shredder, to be turned into pet bedding. Word on the street is that it 'Didn’t feel like Resident Evil.’ ‘Most of the emphasis was on hordes of the Undead and that wasn't what Resident Evil was.' They fired him from the project in early '99, but it seems he wasn't completely gone. He stepped up to the Directors plate, while someone else was drafted to re-write the script. Yoshiki Okamoto revealed some information about it at the Electronic Entertainment Expo '99 (E3) stating, "People are trying to get the script done, but we have to be careful because it has to fit the Resident Evil feel." Apparently they didn't want lots of gore, but obviously they didn't know what Romero was capable of and it certainly wasn’t a PG rating. This is beginning to seem like a conspiracy, you'll find out why later. On a side note, the shredder I mentioned earlier belonged to Mr. Okamoto, since it seems he is the one responsible for canning Romero's script. It's July '99, and it appears they are now looking for a new director, so Romero really had been fired. No more news surfaced that year until December, even rumours started running dry.
November '00 eventually arrives with word of a new director at the helm. Paul 'Mortal Kombat' Anderson -- of all people -- was slated to both write and direct the picture, with what seems, full script control. With Romero fully off the project Anderson was able to do whatever he wanted (Or so it seemed). A strange script was written involving a young woman named Alice (?) who wakes up one evening to find she has a bruise on her collarbone and a ring on her finger (?). She is inside a Mansion which serves as a gateway to a giant lab complex deep under Raccoon city called, 'The Hive' (?). Anyone lost already? Gee, that sounds like Resident Evil! But wait.... There's more! The virus was released by a homicidal supercomputer named 'The Red Queen,' which has an aristocratically sounding English holographic representation of itself, which tries to scare the characters like a poorly animated Haunted House skeleton. So that’s it. Resident Evil The Movie was fed to the cat, which in turn threw it up all over cinemas worldwide, coating the isles in a disgusting mix of wooden dialogue and fur. The fans did the same as the cat and puked after seeing the poor attempt made, and the public paid their four pounds (I certainly did), bought some salted popcorn and sat down to watch Resident Evil. Amongst the yawns and munching was the sound of unconvincing zombies, actors who were as wooden as my coffee table and a plot (Which was supposed to be based on the game) that was unimaginative. This movie could have been something more. A whole lot more…

Coming soon is a preview/review of the second film! (Which will be shite...)


The long awaited monthly newsletter-like-thingamagig is actually not going to be appearing. Right now I'm annoying everyone around me by sucking some weird sweetie to soothe my burning aching throat. Unfortunately my Infectious Mononeucliosis (Glandular Fever, for the late person) is picking up again because of a recent cold. *Cue violin music* I will however be changing the name of the newsletter to something completely different! Yipee! Hazaa! When more viewers pick up, however.

I need to go to the pub again soon as well, my blood alcohol levels are dropping again.

More reviews to come!

A lesson in Quark Xpress...

Quark, lovely Quark. The bane of my existance for the duration of this module. If only we were working on Macs. I will buy an eMac for Christmas. That reminds me, look out for a special Halloween guide to 100 of the sickest horror movies of all time! Check out the site for seasonal treats!

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Game Review: Burnout 3 (Xbox)

Having just bought an Xbox I've been rather left out of the fun of Microsofts system. I purchased a bundle deal which came with the blindingly fast Burnout 3.

As some of you will already know, Burnout 3 is faster than your grannies turbo charged Porche biddie mobile... On rocket fuel. Dodging traffic while driving some of the higher-powered cars is insanely adrenaline pumping as you grip the controller and scream as you manage to dodge oncoming traffic at the last second while it changes lanes.

Everything in Burnout 3 (Well, almost everything) rewards you with boost. Boost is used to propell your car even faster as you hurtle around the raceways. It is rewarded by performing various takedowns (Knocking an opposing car off the road), dodging, swerving etc etc. It's also awarded, rather gleefully, to people who enjoy driving on the wrong side of the road. Thats 'into oncoming traffic.'

So far, I've been playing for a week solidly and I am only 35% of my way through the game. There are simply hundreds of things to achieve in Burnout 3. Right now, I'm trying to collect Event Postcards, which are material rewards based on achievements when completing special events on each of the three continents. There are trophies to collect, approx 60 cars to unlock and a soundtrack of 40 punk, ska and rock tracks to nod your head to as you smash, crash and ramraid your way down the raceways. Thats not all, but I would be spoiling the fun otherwise!

The one annoying aspect is a faggot-sounding American who does a voiceover constantly, acting as a 'DJ.' Thankfully, go into the sound options and you can tell him to shut the hell up (DJ = OFF!).

5 fuel injectors out of 5.

A transmission live from college ethernet...

This is a short but sweet update to inform you that I will soon be previewing Resident Evil: Apocalypse based on information gleaned from the US theatrical release. I shal endeavour to write up a full fledged review of the movie after I finish watching it after its release in the United Kingdom.

In other news, Peter Jackson's 'King Kong' remake is still currently in pre-production and filming should commence in around October of this year. I resent the fact a chubby long-black-haired musician (Jack Black) has been slated as the main leading role.

It would appear 'The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe' is also getting a remake, as I sniffed upon some production photos for a fabricated set for the Ice castle.

The extremely popular Doom franchise (With the recent release of Doom III) is having a film adaptation of the events that circulated through the UAC Mars facility. The only news I could sniff up was found on (Of all places!) which details that a Wellington-born actor named Karl Urban has landed a role as John Grimm; leader of a special team which fights aliens. This seems odd, since Doom was about Hell, abominations and demons--not space aliens!

More news to come, my little horror fans!

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Movie Review: Shaun of the Dead

I know, I know, this is a little late. I've only just managed to buy Shaun of the Dead on DVD.

From the humble beginnings of Spaced comes a Rom-Zom film, tentatively titled 'Shaun of the Dead.' Credit has to be given to the guys and gals that worked on this tremendous project, for I know making British independents can be a rough ride.

The DVD loaded, the menu looked kickass and the opening was even cooler. Shaun (Simon Pegg) and Ed (Nick Frost) live in a run down apartment in a bustling London suberb. Most of their time is spent at their local pub; The Winchester, which plays a significant role later on in the film. Shaun's relationship with girlfriend Liz (Kate Ashfield) is taking a turn for the worse and Shaun's only hope for its rejuvination is in booking a table at a restaurant. The situation turns sour when the world slowly begins to fall apart around the ears of Ed and Shaun and really stays that way throughout a majority of the movie. Both lifelong friends venture out from behind closed doors of the security of their flat to make a stand against the zombie hoards and to hole up until help arrives. Liz's friends David (Dylan Moran) and Dianne (Lucy Davis) get brought along too as the two plotlines collide somewhere in the middle, taking everyone along for the rollercoaster ride towards civilisation.

Since of course, this is a Horror website and I'm a horror mad filmmaker/student/blogger, I'm going to reccomend this movie. In simple terms, GO SEE IT! Grab the DVD, buy some heavily salted snack foods and prepare for first Romantic Zombie movie to hit worldwide shores.

Will Shaun and Liz make up or breakup? Does Ed really need a Cornetto? Watch the god damn movie and see!

Cert: 15.
Approx running time: 99 minutes.

5 skull ashtrays out of a possible 5.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

To think I've neglected this place!

Well well well. I can safely look at the hit ratings and deduce that if this was an Australian soap opera, we'd be taken off air! College work has taken ahold of me, and I've not been posting here just as much as I should be. Everyone, do hang on in there! News will come, films will be made and humour will be sprayed into every oriface of the new Resident Evil movie.

Now, I must finish my homework!

Friday, September 03, 2004

One step closer...

Recently I enrolled for a BTEC National Diploma in Moving Image at my local college, the killer part is--I was accepted! This really is a dream come true, and I promise all of the indie-filmmaking circuit that I'll not turn to the dark side of Hollywood (Well, unless the money really is that good!). More news to come. I apologise for this post being short, I'm currently preparing equipment for my first lesson on monday!