Chainsaws and Boomsticks: The blog of a disgruntled geek.

If we stocked women, this would be a nerd's paradise!

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Battlenet Allnighter: The Destruction Of Sleep - #2

After tanking myself up on caffeine, I can safely say I feel no more awake than before I consumed the highly volatile chemical. I feel the minions of Hell themselves are coming to take my consciousness from me. This is where the Union Aerospace Corporation comes into play. Their teleportation devices run on pure caffeine (Or a highly refined derivative). The Kick just added to the stomach-churning goodness that seems will be afflicting me for the present future.

Mental note: I may need more coffee.

For the moment, this is RJ MacReady signing off. Expect another update at approximately 6am GMT, when I will be less awake than a stoned Ninja on guard duty at an OAP care home.


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