Chainsaws and Boomsticks: The blog of a disgruntled geek.

If we stocked women, this would be a nerd's paradise!

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

A new endeavors...

From the depths of Hell I rose that Saturday... And went straight to bed. I aplogise for not updating when I said I would but alas I was asleep and had my head in the clouds. Recently I have been busy moving my stuff in with my friend Jay, AKA: King Poubar. I'm going to be living with him for a few months until we can find an apartment. His birthday was yesterday and with the addition of the new mini-fridge, we now have nicely chilled beer and other beverages. Stickers have already begun being applied, starting with a Pope sticker (The fridge is now nicknamed 'The Pope,' 'Pope me!' etc) and an AMD Athlon sticker. From next week onwards, we're attempting to port Linux to the refridgerator platform.


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