Chainsaws and Boomsticks: The blog of a disgruntled geek.

If we stocked women, this would be a nerd's paradise!

Friday, August 06, 2004

The ramblings of another insaniac!

Yes that's right! In addition to my own total tosh being posted here, there will be the ramblings of Holl! He's already agreed to do some articles and suchlike, but I'm sure I can tie him down with something in the basement, so I don't have to post anything. I'll then feed him bread and cheese... And water. No seriously, Holl will be writing some articles in the near future (That is if he isn't now sitting and thinking 'Holy crap why the hell did I agree to that!').

Resident Evil Apocalypse (Crap sequel to the equally crap Resident Evil, which I might add, should have been directed by George 'King of Gore' Romero!) has seemingly dropped off the radar. After months of it being classed as 'in production' many of us can but hope that they aren't even bothering to release the dog-bowl of tripe.

Both Bruce Campbell and Sam Raimi seemingly hinted that they would be interested (Careful, I said 'Seemingly!') in making a fourth Evil Dead movie when interviewed at the Spiderman 2 premiere. Evidently, with the profits made from the Spiderman franchise, it would be a wise move to spend some of it on an explanation as to what the hell happened to Ash... And his boomstick.

In even more amazing news, a fourth Living Dead movie (George A. Romero's gore-fest movies) has been given the green light by Fox Entertainment! Of course, adopting a name less digestible than a Ford Transit. It was revealed straight from the horses mouth, that the fourth movie will be named: 'Land of the dead.' I guess it's better than 'Dead Reckoning' or 'Dusk of the Night of the Dawn of the Unlving Dead.'

Apparently there's also gonna be a new Matrix movie. I don't believe it personally...

There is no spoon.


At 12:57 AM, Blogger RJ MacReady said...

8/10 zombies prefer brains from a University student, than a working-class citizen.


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