Chainsaws and Boomsticks: The blog of a disgruntled geek.

If we stocked women, this would be a nerd's paradise!

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Never buy a 'cool' 28 watt fan...

Thats right, the brand name for this marvel of technology (Heh) is 'Cool.' Right now I'm about 18 degrees off of being cool... Up the scale! Its currently approximately 29 degrees in my bedroom and the fan seems to be doing nothing more than making a whirring noise. The amount of air being moved is the equivalent of a mouse farting down a toilet roll tube: BUGGER ALL! I guess it doesn't help that my PC is on kicking out heat, but what are you gonna do? Sacrifice online time to be a few degrees cooler when you go to bed? I think not!

In other news, I regrettably inform you that I shall not be able to post for a few days because I am travelling down to Pirbright - Surrey on Military business (Lets hope I pass the selection standards!). I'll ask Holl to keep the place tidy while I'm gone!


At 8:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always had the idea of clamping one of those metal tubes to the outside of the computer case to pipe the hot air out through a hole in the wall... like a tumble dryer but... I'm weird I guess. It's how I wanted my house ... with a heat extract/recycle system like that.

A ceiling fan helps keep the room cool though. Or an air cooler.

At 8:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always had the idea of clamping one of those metal tubes to the outside of the computer case to pipe the hot air out through a hole in the wall... like a tumble dryer but... I'm weird I guess. It's how I wanted my house ... with a heat extract/recycle system like that.

A ceiling fan helps keep the room cool though. Or an air cooler.



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