Movie Review: The Village
Hurrrr! The Village?
Yes, the eagerly anticipated 4th film from M. Night. Shayamalan.
Well, first of all he did The 6th Sense, which was great. He kicked off with a bang and everyone loved him. Very spooky, well directed, nice subtle performances. A twist which I challenge anyone to guess if they haven't seen the film and hadn't been told "Look out for the big twist!". Just an all round cracker of a good film. Then he did Unbreakable. Which was a bit strange. Re-used Bruce Willis again, but this time turned him into a comic super hero (not quite so over exagerated, though) but never the less was all a little hard to digest. It was still an entertaining film, but nothing quite like his first.
His 3rd movie was Signs. Now I really don't know what most people think of this but i'm not a fan. The story was boring, slow and had to much of a faith/religious tone to it. Just generally a rather dull film in my eyes. Sorry.
And now his 4th film, The Village. I'm not gonna go into the story to much because you can read one of a billion reviews on the internet that all set up the story for you there. As far as how good the film is, though? Well I liked it quite a lot. Good suspense throughout, all round good acting. One problem for me was some of the dialog just didn't feel right, but meh...
So yeah, a good film, better than Signs and Unbreakable. But still not a 6th Sense beater.
4 Cockerspanials out of 5.